Thematic Unit of Excellence on Computational Materials Science
S. N. Bose National Centre for basic Sciences

Magneto-structural transition in intermetallic alloys and compounds

:Dr. Santasabuj Das

: 29th September 2015
: 11:30 AM
: Fermion (LH-3)
: Bridging computational and experimental research: an experience with the pathogen for typhoid fever

Abstract:Salmonella Typhi is a human-restricted bacterial pathogen that causes a potentially lethal disease known as typhoid fever, if left untreated. The organism takes its entry into the human body through the intestinal tract where it attaches to the epithelial cells and invades them. Subsequently, the bacterium is engulfed by the phagocytic cells (neutrophils and macrophages) and carried to the liver, spleen and bone marrow. The infection persists if the organism is successful in creating a survival niche called Salmonella-containing vacuole within the macrophages through unknown mechanisms. We have taken combined computational and experimental approaches to further explore the host-bacterial interfaces, both at the levels of intestinal epithelial cells and macrophages. Our experience reaffirms that in the post-genomic era, available computational tools provide means to search whole genomes of organisms for the identification of novel virulence genes.
